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March 22, 2024

SRCN Solutions recently completed a maintenance key performance indicator (KPI) and reporting assessment for a European midstream operator. The challenge posed, SRCNs approach and the outcome for the customer are descibed below.


The Challenge

A European midstream operator with three high hazard sites under management, wanted to develop consistent and comparable reporting across the sites. They wanted a set of KPIs that could be reported to senior management and site owners to show that risk was being appropriately managed and work appropriately prioritised and executed.


SRCN’s Approach

SRCN conducted a desktop review of all the maintenance procedures and processes at group-level and across the three sites. This included an assessment of the KPIs that were produced and how they were created from the data. Time was also taken to understand the way data was managed in each sites CMMS and whether the data meant the same thing across the sites. This allowed SRCN to rapidly develop an
understanding of gaps in the underlying data and where the sites were operating with a fundamentally different philosophy limiting their ability to effectively manage their risk and produce a comparable set of KPIs for senior management.​

The approach taken allowed for a rapid assessment, with full engagement and buy-in from group management and site asset managers and delivered recommendations within four weeks that would significantly improve risk and work management across all sites.

The Outcome

The goal of this assessment was to identify gaps in providing a set of consistent KPIs for senior management and partners to assess risk and determine work management effectiveness across
the three high hazard sites in their portfolio. SRCN's rapid assessment and work management methodology enabled te identifcation of specific areas requiring improvement and recommend an improvement approach to deliver the outcome desired. This covered:​

  • Revisions to prioritisation for corrective maintenance based on consequence and likelihood of occurrence of equipment failure​.
  • Revisions to backlog definition and deferral management​
  • Changes required to work management process to deliver consistency​.
  • Recommended set of KPIs and definitions to be applied across all sites​.

All recommendations were accepted and led to an improvement programme to deliver them at group-level and across all three sites.