SRCN Solutions, a leading work management consulting firm, recently undertook a significant project to assist a North Sea operator who faced a weighty backlog of corrective maintenance tasks, impacting their operational efficiency.
SRCN Solutions collaborated with the client by conducting an exhaustive review of all their live, corrective work on one of their key assets. This ambitious project required a meticulous and comprehensive cleanse, review, and re-prioritization of all active corrective tasks with the objective being to streamline operations and enhance the efficiency of the client's maintenance processes.
The project commenced with a detailed assessment of all existing work orders. The expert team from SRCN Solutions then conducted a comprehensive analysis of each work order to identify redundant, outdated, or unnecessary tasks. This initial cleanse was crucial to ensure only relevant and required tasks remained in the system. A thorough review was then conducted to evaluate and prioritise each task, ensuring that the most critical issues were addressed first.
SRCN Solutions then proceeded to update the client's computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) to accurately reflect the agreed changes. This step was pivotal in integrating the updated tasks into the client's workflow, enabling smoother and more efficient management of maintenance activities. The commitment to accuracy and efficiency meant that the promised improvements were realised very quickly and even before SRCN Solutions had completed the project scope.
The scale of the review was substantial and involved approximately 2,000 work orders across trades including electrical, mechanical and instrumental. Although complex and a large volume of work, SRCN Solutions completed the project within the agreed timeframe of six weeks, demonstrating its expertise and dedication to delivering on promises.
Addressing a maintenance backlog is essential for any organisation as it signifies underlying operational challenges in meeting maintenance demands. If not managed properly, a backlog can lead to significant issues, including decreased equipment performance and non-compliance with business and legal requirements. By effectively reducing the maintenance backlog, SRCN Solutions helped its to client mitigate these risks, ensuring that their operations remained smooth and compliant.
Colin Wilson, Director at SRCN Solutions, commented,
"Review and cleanse projects are one of our core service offerings. We were delighted to collaborate with this North Sea operator to substantially decrease their crucial business backlog, clearly understand their risk and help them better prioritise their work. The work involved no shortcuts or quick fixes. Every work order within the scope was reviewed individually, giving the client full confidence that the output of the work was accurate, robust and in-line with both internal and external standard expectations."

Specialising in optimising work management systems for the oil and gas, renewable, utilities, and power sectors, SRCN Solutions organizations to streamline work processes and allocate resources for
strategic growth.